Best Garden: Version 2 Release Notes

These are the release notes for Best Garden version 2.0.92:

Available to buy from:
Windows Store: Coming Soon

New Features:

  • Gamepad Support: This version of Best Garden now supports most gamepads when playing on PC.
  • Local Highscores: Now you can take it in turns with your friends trying to beat each others highscores.
  • Water Tile: You can now place water tiles, plants and hedges cannot be placed upon them.
  • Cursor: A cursor is now visible showing where you are currently placing the selected object.
  • Fill Garden Functionality: It's now possible to double tap the place button to fill rthe garden if the selected object is something like grass, water, pavement or dirt.


  • Updated Tutorial: With the UI changes and input changes the tutorial page has been updated to reflect these changes.
  • Control Help Window: With the new control/input setup, the control layouts for both gamepad and keyboard have been updated.
  • Improved Judging: There are now a selection of judges that have different likes and dislikes rather than just one over all judging system. It's now a score based system with 50 being the top most score per judge.

Removed Features:

  • Keyboard and Mouse gameplay: Due to certain issues with the new input system gameplay is now only done via keyboard instead of keyboard and mouse.
  • In-game Volume control and other UI elements: Due to changes in the input system and the lack of mouse support redundant ui elements have been removed. Some other more relevant ones may be added at a later date.